The Rare Disease that keeps me under pressure — Chelsea ♥ For years I would state that I wasn't feeling well, and for years people would say, " You look okay to me." You see when I say I didn't feel well, I meant I felt terrible. I …
How I connected my blog and google site — Chelsea ♥ It goes without saying that Google likes it when you use their products. While working on my own blog I decided to create it in blogger thinking it would be annoying to do, creating a sub domain…
She Designs Things is proud to celebrate its one-year anniversary! — Chelsea ♥ She Designs Things is proud to celebrate its one-year anniversary! Throughout this past year, I have experienced both successes and challenges, including …
HOW TO CREATE CONTACT FORM IN APP SCRIPT — Chelsea ♥ To create a contact HTML page with timestamp, name, email, and message using Google Sheets inside of App Script and style the form with Material Design CSS, follow the steps bel…